Friday, November 19, 2010

Excerpts from experiences Part 2

 As I had told you I would be back with fresh updates of my war with Adith, I am here after making my payment done pulling their nostrils. The pain needs to be there, when we as translators work for them, they are selfish enough to hoard OUR money of which they are not the rightful owners at all !!
I wrote a mail again on 7th November 2010 to Police Commissioner seeking for help to restore my payment. Well, thanks and kudos to the department which rose to the occasion and gave a call to the designated Police Station which was in the vicinity where this Company resided with its motive to gain selfish margins.
Received a call from K.R.Puram Police Divison, on 8th of November assuring me that they (Adith) had dispatched, which I would be receiving that day. I was ectastic. The waiting proved hell as I did not receive any cheque from the. It was then again I called K.R.Puram Police station, to tell them that I hadn’t received any.
As responsible people they had to let me know that they had forwarded the cheque and also had submitted a zerox copy of the receipt of the consignment to the K.R. Puram Police Station. But none was done.
Whatever the zerox copy which was submitted to the K.R.Puram Police station was very unclear. The poor inspector took all the pains to retrieve the consignment number from Adith.
That fatal morning (for Adith) a call from K.R.Puram Police station woke them up again from their slumber.
I received  a call again on 9th November from Basanti, who works in the scrupulous company, telling that they had already dispatched my cheque through First flight couriers. They started telling tales, as I had not mentioned the right address, my residence could not be located.  That’s certainly crap ! The address mentioned in the invoice was same! And god, the way they go round and round in telling lies – Information from Courier ( the address written by the courier office was exactly the same, as exactly I had mentioned.
My whole day was spent in calling First Flight Couriers. And it was then that I got it from them.. Also wrote a mail back to Adith, saying hope the cheque dsn’t bounce.. Fortunately, it hasn’t..
Rebanto Sanyal as his name seems to be, also presented his remark saying that it was wrong of me to knock the doors of Police.. for just 800..
Well, maybe true people running big companies on the edifice of other’s money, hardwork, efforts, pain never realize the worth of tens and hundreds. All that they forget that the great numbers take its birth from ZEROS.

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